20161016五校聯合迎新-蘭人旅人(A Trip held for five different Universities Freshmen)

20161016五校聯合迎新-蘭人旅人(A Trip held for five different Universities Freshmen)

Are you worried that after entering the college you’ll stock in your limited social circle?

Do you want to meet more people that are from other school?

Don’t be worried, just come and joined the trip then you can easily know friends outside the campus.

Friends from both campus of MING CHUAN UNIVERSITY,Soochow University,Fu Jen University,

Shih Chien University,and Aletheia University

Registration website:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3dJI_FUB3IXtquucnegyI4gc-CVLTBrBRWJxh8ZCHKRn1kQ/closedform

Make some finger exercise. 
