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Ming Chuan University Kung Fu Club

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Shaolin 5 Animal Style (Hung Gar)

Traditional Handforms: tiger, crane, leopard, snake, dragon, tiger & crane double style, monkey, drunken, etc...

Classical Chinese Weapons: broadsword, straight sword, staff, spear, 2-section whip, 3-scetion staff, etc...


Study Taiwanese Hung Gar from Shifu James Yeh, a master with over 25 years' experience in Chinese kung fu and an MA in Physical Education for a combination of traditional martial arts and modern science.

Our style has traditional animal forms, several ancient weapon techniques, and practical self-defense applications!  Experience Chinese culture, get in shape, and learn how to protect yourself. All students, from complete beginner to experienced are welcome!


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Article | by Dr. Radut