This is the history of Ming Chuan University held its first
【The first session of the 24 seriously dance contest]
To the Ming Chuan all children love to dance a show dancing
Game approach
4/23 (a) to 5/1 (b) to the cloud hard drive to download the application form and password: dance
(Also to the class refers to the group to receive the application form) filled out to the cloudhard drive "24 Series super seriously dance contest registration" or handed class refers to the group (the gymnasium on the fourth floor).
Registration Department at least push to send a team up to three teams, the number of3-8, the performance can be repeated.
Music a total length of three minutes, files to MP3 or WAV files.
4.5 / 1 (b) before cross-music to are uploaded to the cloud hard drive "24 serious dance competition. Music" (the file named "xx Department groupname)
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