

Summary of MCU Cheer Leading Dance Club



於中國舞蹈之優美,實應 加以大力推廣且加以傳承,故於八十一年創設「民族舞蹈社」,招募校內優秀學子,加以訓練,冀能將中國傳統之民族舞蹈發揚光大。本社後來於民國八十四年更名為「薪潮舞蹈社」,此乃鑑於中華文化之傳承與發揚,應如薪火般相傳不絕。九十四年又更名為「啦啦舞社」,將中國傳統與現代流行的舞蹈互相結合,因應多元發展的潮流,啦啦舞更能展現青春活力的新舞風。


This club was launched in 1992, initially categorized as a folk dancing club. The founder of MCU, Principle Bao is highly interested with the grace of Chinese dances, hence the Folk Dance Club was set up in 1992 in order to recruit outstanding students for extra training with the purpose of popularizing and in succession to this culture. The club was renamed as Modern Dance Club before it was changed into Cheer Leading Dance Club which combines traditional Chinese dances and modern dances for the sake of the multi-development trend. Cheer leading dance emerges blooming dancing style.




The members of Cheer Leading Dance Club are formed by on campus students. They spend time practicing dance after school, but the tough learning progress has developed the independence in each one of them and also exposed their vision in various kind of performances. Besides improving in their dancing skills, they also gained graceful gestures; club members with mature skills and enthusiasm extended the affection of dance on stages, while their bon ton performance off stage also earning praises from the audience.  



Chinese, Traditional