Essay Competition

[Essay Competition] The most important little things 
There are some events, which we call important; 
There is a life full of little things; 
There is an article, the most important thing in your heart tells trivial. 
Please look for clues from life, write the hearts of the most important little things. 
Essay object: Ming Chuan University teachers and students 
Essay style: limit prose, words 5000 words or less 
Submission: Now until 103 years May 23 
Submission: Please send E-mail to work
Submission received a reply letter is considered successful 
Assessment score by professional teachers, 
To sort out the ranking and scores masterpiece, 
The top three bonuses. 
The first $ 600, second $ 500, third place $ 400. 
I hope you sway their literary talent,be well attended :)

問題請洽活動總召胡馨中 0988284978 
副召蘇子庭 0920635608
