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About Ambassadors Group

Founded: Ambassadors Group since its establishment, has been the best spokesperson Ming Chuan University, not only to enhance our image, but also love school love, and each of the volunteers to join can do a full range of etiquette expert. Features: Important activities in the school, press conference, newborn welcome ... and other large celebrations, or VIPs, high school visit, wearing a red T-shirt has a group of service personnel. Group of smiling, warm and lively, versatile, well-trained team, our "Goodwill Ambassadors." Ambassadors Group since its establishment, has been the best spokesperson Ming Chuan University, not only to enhance our image, but also love school love, and each of the volunteers to join can do a full range of etiquette expert. Characteristics: Focus on all-round good character and attitude training, emphasizing goodwill who have the condition and characteristics of the behavior rather than the constraints only. Human predecessors have in mind that he is only a Goodwill Ambassador. Job: High School advocacy, large expo services, campus tours, freshmen welcome reception and performances, alumni reception, master of ceremonies, briefings and video recording, event planning and execution ... and so on.


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Page | by Dr. Radut