The current third IAE
財金三丁 葉芮廷
Vice President
企管三甲 林芷蕾
Chief Financial Officer
財金三丁 呂沛芸
Chief Information Officer
財金二乙 張若瑜
Artistic Design Officer
廣電三甲 余詩琪
The current forth IAE
財金三乙 張若瑜
Vice President
企管二丁 徐昀穗
Chief Financial Officer
財金三乙 吳憶玟
Academia Director
國企二甲 楊惠鈞
Chief Public Relations Officer
國企二甲 黃稔桐
Chief Artistic Design Officer
廣電二甲 盧麗詩
Chief Marketing Officer
國企二甲 黃羿慈