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2022/3/15 Micro Case Study

The first social class, "Micro Case Study", ended with flowerscool.

Analyzing two well-known cases of Amazon and Netflix in the form of a group, and publishing it on stage after an hour of research, is a very exciting experience, in a limited time, the opinions of the members have rubbed a lot of wonderful sparks, the discussion from listening, asking questions to integration, cultivating communication skills at the same time can also train members to develop a good habit of supporting data and facts!

Case Study is one of the possible barriers encountered in the interview, the purpose is to find a quick response to other unknown issues can be rationally analyzed and handled, so you can start to look at more examples to recognize new terms, when you have time, in-depth analysis, the future interview is not afraid of not being able to be handy ~

Finally, I would like to thank the Vice President for such a wonderful case study (applause againyes)

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Article | by Dr. Radut